Logo "WAMPUM"   It's me

Historic :
89/97 - making of tipis "Sioux model"
97/98 -
making of tipis "Crow model"
99/ ... - making of tipis
"Cree model"

Other product : (sur commande et/ou suivant stock)
mocassins,shoes, sandals,
indian bags and bags for tipis,
indian arts.


Future project :
making of tipis pattern for children,
making of structures for leisure activity,
letting of tipis by month and horse's paddock.


Previous - Sandro Jean-Loup - 26 bd. Paul Cotte 83 690 Salernes (France) - tél, fax : 00 (33) 04 94 70 60 78 - port : 00 (33) 06 12 21 69 24 - Home